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Autor/inn/enZiegler, Albert; Stoeger, Heidrun; Grassinger, Robert
TitelActiotope model and self-regulated learning.
QuelleIn: Psychological test and assessment modeling, 53 (2011) 1, S. 161-179
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Beigabengrafische Darstellungen; Literaturangaben S. 177-179
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN2190-0493; 2190-0507
SchlagwörterBildungsforschung; Bildungsmonitoring; Faktorenanalyse; Fragebogenerhebung; Pädagogische Psychologie; Planung; Schuljahr 05; Schuljahr 06; Schriftlicher Test; Lernmodell; Selbst gesteuertes Lernen; Lateinunterricht; Französischunterricht; Physikunterricht; Studie; Zielsetzung; Deutschland
AbstractResearch on self-regulated learning takes two central perspectives on the learning process, that of the learning individual and that of the accompanying environmental factors. We suggest combining both of these perspectives in a systemic model, the actiotope model. 399 pupils in fifth and sixth grade were examined at three points in time: prior to the introduction of a new subject (Latin, French, or physics), three to five weeks after the introduction, and, finally, about twelve weeks after the new subject had been introduced. Hierarchical linear modeling shows that the adaptivity of the actiotope explains the frequency of self-regulated learning obtained via self-report measures (goal setting, planning, monitoring, regulating); but the actiotope's adaptivity does not explain individual differences in the development of self-regulated learning processes. (Orig.).
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