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Autor/inn/enCowpe, John; u.a.
TitelHarmonisation & standardisation of European dental schools' programmes of continuing professional development for graduate dentists - DentCPD.
QuelleIn: Journal of the European higher education area, 1 (2011) 3, S. 99-124Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPrüfungsordnung; Lehre; Studium; Zahnmedizin; Qualitätssicherung; Student; Ausland; Dänemark; Großbritannien; Luxemburg
AbstractIn the context of free movement, EU citizens need assurance that dental practitioners providing their care have a degree/licence to practise which meets EU standards and that these practitioners maintain their knowledge and skills through ongoing education, underpinning their clinical expertise. CPD is the principal mechanism for this process. However, there is no harmonisation of the 'essential' content or regulation of CPD for graduate dentists in the EU. CPD available to graduate dentists across the EU is hugely variable and delivered by a range of providers, not all of which are subject to quality management. The "DentCPD" project will address these issues and will have far reaching impact. The harmonisation of dental CPD across Europe and the modernisation of HEIs' strategic role in quality management of CPD will: promote freedom of movement of staff from European dental schools (in line with the Bologna Process) and graduate dentists through a Europe-wide recognition of their CPD, central to the philosophy of lifelong learning; promote cooperation between HEIs and professional organisations delivering CPD; develop best practice standards of education provision, enhancing equity and quality assurance; to the ultimate benefit of patient safety. (HRK / Abstract übernommen).
Erfasst vonHochschulrektorenkonferenz, Bonn
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