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Autor/inn/enDaimer, Stephanie; Edler, Jakob; Howells, Jeremy
InstitutionFraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung; Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation
TitelGermany and the European Research Area.
QuelleKarlsruhe (2011), 43 S.
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ReiheStudien zum deutschen Innovationssystem. 2011, 13
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterDeutschland; Europa
AbstractThis report is an account of the relationship between the ERA development and German research and innovation policy (R&I policy). It is based on extensive document and literature review and a set of interviews. It also draws on multiple involvement of the authors in ERA and research policy studies over the last 10 years. The report introduces what ERA is and how the activities and instruments at European level have fundamentally changed and broadened. It provides a discussion of key initiatives at European level and their inter-relation with German R&I policy. This involves comments on: the governance relation (influence at EU level, coordination within Germany); how Germany takes advantage of the various initiatives; and, how EU initiatives shape German strategies and priorities (and vice versa). The report is structured as follows. It starts with a short summary of the major changes within ERA and the more ambitious approaches at EU level for research and innovation (Chapter 2) and how those changes have to influence our assessment of relations between the national and the EU level. It then discusses the role of German actors and policy within a set of most important cornerstones of R&I policy at European level (Chapter 3), describes and assesses what those instruments and initiatives mean for Germany, how German actors participate and influence them and finally the ways in which those EU measures influence national agendas. Chapter 4 then broadens the agenda to innovation initiatives at EU levels and the increasingly important role of R&I financing out of structural funds. Subsequently, the report discusses - horizontally - strategic initiatives in Germany and how they link up with the EU level (mainly Hightech-Strategy and Internationalisation Strategy). A final chapter summarises the governance challenges and assesses the overall linkages of EU level initiatives and German R&I policy. (HoF/text adopted).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Hochschulforschung (HoF) an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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