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Autor/inBoudreault, Chris
TitelThe Benefits of Using Drama in the ESL/EFL Classroom.
QuelleIn: The internet TESL journal, 16 (2010) 1
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLernerorientierung; Schülerarbeitsmittel; Fachdidaktik; Drama; Literaturunterricht; Wortschatzarbeit; Fremdsprachenunterricht; Englisch als Zweitsprache; Englischunterricht
AbstractAs an English teacher, the author has often been amazed at how effective drama is to capture the attention of the students in the ESL/EFL classroom. Drama activities would sometimes have surprising and unexpected results. ESL/EFL professionals need to use this medium more because the artificial world of the classroom can be transformed into a quasi-real language situation and provides an endless amount of opportunities for student's personal growth. We cannot only teach grammar and phonetics with drama but also it has the power to transform the actors as well as the audience. We shouldn't underestimate this powerful teaching tool to reach our students. (Verlag, adapt.).
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