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Autor/inn/enHolzinger, Andreas; Selver, Softiv; Stickel, Christian; Ebner, Martin; Debevc, Matjaz; Hu, Bo
TitelNintendo Wii remote controller in higher education: Development and evaluation of a demonstrator kit for e-teaching.
QuelleIn: Computing and informatics, 29 (2010) 4, S. 601-615
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0232-0274; 1335-9150
SchlagwörterEvaluation; Nonverbale Kommunikation; Medieneinsatz; Medienpädagogik; Videospiel; Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation; Hochschulbildung; Hochschullehre; Medieninformatik; E-Learning; Entwicklung; Präsentation; Fernbedienung; Werkzeug
AbstractThe increasing availability of game based technologies together with advances in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and usability engineering provides new challenges and opportunities to virtual environments in the context of e-Teaching. Consequently, an evident trend is to offer learners with the equivalent of practical learning experiences, whilst supporting creativity for both teachers and learners. Current market surveys showed surprisingly that the Wii remote controller (Wiimote) is more widely spread than standard PCs and is the most used computer input device worldwide, which given its collection of sensors, accelerometers and bluetooth technology, makes it of great interest for HCI experiments in e-Learning/e-Teaching. In this paper [the authors] discuss the importance of gestures for teaching and describe the design and development of a low-cost demonstrator kit based on Wiimote enhancing the quality of the lecturing with gestures. (Orig.).
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