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Autor/inn/enZáhorec, Ján; Hasková, Alena; Munk, Michal
TitelAssessment of the status of teaching subjects informatics and programming in terms of selected factors.
QuelleIn: Acta didactica Napocensia, 2 (2009) 3, S. 75-84Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1504-9922; 2065-1430
SchlagwörterMotivation; Programmierung; Unterricht; Informatik; Studieninteresse; Europa; Rumänien
AbstractIn their paper the authors present a part of their research results, they obtained within a broader research focused on possibilities to influence students' attitudes and approaches to particular subjects, mainly the less favourite ones. Following the empirically derived hierarchy of subjects identifying the degree of popularity of particular subjects among students, and influence of various factors on students' attitudes towards these subjects the authors in their paper discuss students' interest in study informatics and programming and try to identify the reasons of students' interest or disinterest in them. They try to answer the question what are currently the most powerful motivation factors for students to acquire new knowledge from these areas.
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