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Autor/inn/enArmstrong, David G.; Henson, Kenneth T.; Savage, Tom V.
TitelTeaching today.
An introduction to education. 8 ed.
QuelleUpper Saddle River: Merrill/Pearson (2009), XXVIII, 392 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenDVD-ROM 1; Illustrationen
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN0-13-159552-0; 978-0-13-159552-1
SchlagwörterUnterrichtsforschung; USA
Abstract"Today's classrooms are constantly changing. Are you prepared? Teaching Today introduces you to the challenges and opportunities of teaching in today's classrooms. Decision making is a core skill needed by all teachers. By using this book, you will learn how to analyze and reflect to make informed teaching decisions while exploring your role as a teacher. In addition to learning about the teaching profession, you will also learn successful how-to strategies for working with today's students (Part II) that are unique to this text. Topics include student development and learning, diversity, curriculum and instruction, student assessment, and teacher accountability. With extended coverage on curriculum standards and classroom practice, Teaching Today begins your journey to becoming a professional educator." -- Book cover. Contents: PART 1: THE CHANGING PROFESSION. Chapter 1: How is Education Changing? -- Chapter 2: What does it take to become a Professional Educator? -- Chapter 3: What are the Proposals for School Reform. 132 -- PART 2: WORKING WITH STUDENTS. Chapter 4: Who are the Students -- Chapter 5: How has Diversity Changed Education? -- Chapter 6: What is Taught and How is it -- Taught? -- Chapter 7: How do we Know Students Have Learned? -- PART 3: FORCES SHAPING EDUCATIONAL POLICIES AND PRACTICES. Chapter 8: How did we get here? -- Chapter 9: What is the Role of School in Society? -- Chapter 10: How do Philosophical Perspectives Influence Education? -- Chapter 11: How is Technology Changing Education? -- Chapter 12: What Do You need to know about the Law? -- Chapter 13: Who Controls and Finances Education?
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
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