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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enAcs, Zoltan J.; Aspegren, Kevin; Diez, Javier Revilla; Faggian, Alessandra; Feser, Edward; Franzoni, Chiara; Frenken, Kien; Goldstein, Harvey A.; Hemer, Joachim; Karlsson, Charlie; Koschatzky, Knut; Lamb, William B.; Lissoni, Francesco; Maier, Gunther; MacCann, Philip; Mildahn, Björn; Oort, Frank van; Parag, Andrea; Ponds, Roderik; Schiller, Daniel; Sheppard, Stephen; Sherman, Hugh D.; Varga, Attila; Andersson, Martin; Grasjö, Urban; Lengyel, Imre; Török, Adam
Sonst. PersonenVarga, Attila (Hrsg.)
TitelUniversities, knowledge transfer and regional development.
Geography, entrepreneurship and policy.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Hochschulen, Wissenstransfer und Regionalentwicklung. Geografie, Unternehmertum und Politik.
QuelleCheltenham: Elgar (2009), 388 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheNew horizons in regional science
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterWissen; Forschung und Entwicklung; Wissenstransfer; Ländlicher Raum; Regionalentwicklung; Industrie; Unternehmensgründung; Berufliche Mobilität; Unternehmer; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Ökonomie; Hochschule; Netzwerk; Hochschulabsolvent; Asien; Europa; Nordamerika
Abstract"The transfer of new, economically useful knowledge from universities to the regional economy has recently attracted the attention of academics, professionals and policymakers alike. This book focuses on three issues at the centre of current research: the geography of academic knowledge transfers, the mechanisms of these transfers with regard to academic entrepreneurship and graduate mobility, and policy experience in university-based regional economic development. The expert contributors provide state-of-the-art overviews of the field, reviewing and outlining important advancements in theory, empirics and policy analysis. Importantly, the book includes unique case studies of university-based development in three lagging regions of Asia, Europe and North America to illustrate individual experiences." Die Untersuchung enthält quantitative Daten. Forschungsmethode: deskriptive Studie; anwendungsorientiert. (author's abstract, IAB-Doku). Contents: Attila Varga: Introduction (1-8); PART ONE - Setting the scene: analytical framework and knowledge inventory in theory, empirics and policy; Harvey A. Goldstein: What we know and what we don't know about the regional economic Impacts of universities (11-35); Zoltan J. Acs: Jaffe-Feldman-Varga: the search for knowledge spillovers (36-56); Edward Feser: Detecting university-industry synergies: a comparison of two approaches in applied cluster analysis (57-81); PART TWO: The geography of academic knowledge transfers: recent developments; Martin Andersson, Urban Grasjö, Charlie Karlsson: The rote of higher education and university R&D for industrial R&D location (85-107); Roderik Ponds, Frank van Oort, Koen Frenken: lnternationalization and regional embedding of scientific research in the Netherlands (109-137); Attila Varga, Andrea Parag: Academic knowledge transfers and the structure of international research networks (138-159); PART THREE: Knowledge transfer mechanisms: academic entrepreneurship and graduate mobility; Chiara Franzoni, Francesco Lissoni: Academic entrepreneurs: critical issues and lessons for Europe (163-190); Knut Koschatzky and Joachim Hemer: Firm formation and economic development - what drives academic spin-offs to success or failure? (191-218); Adam Török: On the economics of university ranking lists: intuitive remarks an intuitive comparisons (219-242); Gunther Maier: Product differentiation or spatial monopoly? The market areas of Austrian universities in business education (243-266); Alessandra Faggian, Philip McCann, Stephen Sheppard: Higher education, graduate migration and regional dynamism in Great Britain (267-292); PART FOUR University-based regional - development: the experience of lagging areas in Asia, Europe and North America; Daniel Schiller, Björn Mildahn, Javier Revilla Diez: Barriers against the transfer of knowledge between universities and industry in newly-industrialised countries: an analysis of university-industry linkages in Thailand (295-320); Imre Lengyel: Knowledge-based local economic development for enhancing competitiveness in lagging areas of Europe: the case of the University of Szeged (321-349); Hugh D. Sherman, William B. Lamb, Kevin Aspegren: The care and feeding of high-growth businesses in rural areas: the rote of universities (350-366).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg
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