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Autor/inChis, Vasile
TitelThe pedagogy of competence-based curriculum. The pedagogy of profound learning.
QuelleIn: Educatia 21, (2005) 1, S. 13-32Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPädagogik; Kompetenz; Vergleich; Wissenserwerb; Curriculum; Problemorientierter Unterricht; Unterrichtsmethode; Unterrichtsprozess; Projekt; Lebenslanges Lernen; Praxis; Qualitätssicherung; Reform; Theorie; Europa; Rumänien
AbstractThe profound changes of the society in this century involved new demands on the labour market, which required defined competences for certain jobs. The competences refer to practical abilities and not to the ability of learning for gathering theoretical knowledge. The project Open Minds funded in 1999 by the Royal Society in Great Britain reflected that student's theoretical training does not answer the needs of the society and the reason for that is maintaining the traditional teaching in schools, which does not prepare the student for the adult life within the contemporary society. In the traditional pedagogy, the educational process is focused on the teacher and the student must learn pieces of knowledge from different fields for the purpose of reproducing data and not to develop a critical thinking. The traditional pedagogy implies a surface learning but the modern pedagogy that is strongly required today involves a profound learning, an essence learning. The modern pedagogy evolved from the traditional pedagogy of listening and then, from the pedagogy of acting, towards an inter active pedagogy of problem based learning, of life long learning. The focus is not on the quantity knowledge but on the quality of knowledge, on learning by reflection, by personal approach and by an interactive change of ideas. Pedagogy's reform includes curricula's reform too. The new curriculum based on competences must replace the common curriculum in order to define the competences required as a response to the needs of the contemporary society.
Erfasst vonBabes-Bolyai Universität, Cluj-Napoca
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