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Sonst. PersonenSchlueter, Almuthe
InstitutionKompetenzzentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung
TitelDatabases of Woman Scientists.
Overview, Best Practice Guideline and Future Perspectives.
QuelleBonn (2005), 166 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
AbstractContents: Foreword. - 1. Introduction. - 2. Methodology. - 3. Women Scientists in Europe - Databases and other Resources (1. Databases in Europe. - 2. Listing of selected databases. - 2.1 Grids of analysis of the selected databases. - 2.2 Austria. - 2.3 Czech Republic. - 2.4 Denmark. - 2.5 Finland. - 2.6 Germany. - 2.7 Hungary. - 2.8 Iceland. - 2.9 Ireland. - 2.10 Malta. - 2.11 Netherlands. - 2.12 Norway. - 2.13 Sweden. - 2.14 Switzerland. - 2.15 United Kingdom. - 3. List of selected organisations, institutions and networks (3.1 Czech Republic. - 3.2 Denmark. - 3.3 Estonia. - 3.4 European Commission. - 3.5 European wide. - 3.6 France. - 3.7 Italy. - 3.8 Lithuania. - 3.9 Portugal. - 3.10 Romania. - 3.11 Slovakia. - 3.12 Spain). - 4. Best Practice Guideline for Developing and Revising Women Scientists Databases (1. Pre-Development or Pre-Revision Quality Criteria. - 2. Data Collection Quality Criteria. - 3. Technical Quality Criteria). - 5. Future Perspectives for Linking Women Scientists Databases - A Feasibility Study (1. Studying future perspectives. - 2. The decision for a meta-database. - 3 Information Retrieval through a Meta-Database. - 4. Describing the application domain for the feasibility study. - 5 Analysis and Description of the Feasibility Study Data Providers. - 6. The feasibility of the DATAWOMSCI Service Provider. - 7. Analysis and the Evaluation of Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval for the DATAWOMSCI Service Provider. - 8. Introduction to International Web Sites. - 9. Three DATAWOMSCI Provider Solutions. - 10 Metadata for the future DATAWOMSCI Service Providers and Data Providers. - 11. Concepts for Search Interfaces on a Meta-database. - 12. Conclusion). - 6. Follow up of the Project (HoF/text adopted).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Hochschulforschung (HoF) an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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