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Autor/inSpinthourakis, Julia A.
TitelAddressing multiculturalism as an expression of European identity with pre-service teachers.
QuelleAus: Seebauer, Renate (Hrsg.): Das Fremde und das Eigene. Identitäten, Werte, Zukunftsperspektiven in vier europäischen Regionen - eine empirische Studie und Einzelbeiträge aus europäischen Ländern. Wien: Lit Verl. (2005) S. 89-98Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheInterkulturelle Pädagogik. 3
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterWissen; Erziehungsziel; Einstellung (Psy); Identität; Kulturelle Identität; Lehrer; Lehramtsstudent; Lehrerausbildung; Multikulturalität; Multikulturelle Erziehung; Multikulturelle Gesellschaft; Europäische Erziehung; Europäische Identität; Europa
AbstractThe experiences we have, the knowledge as well as the relationships through which we find recognition and expression influence not only who we are but how we see others as well as how others see us. Our personal and collective understandings can influence how and what we teach. This paper represents a brief look at how we can go about understanding and addressing multiculturalism as an expression of one's identity and as a marker of being European in the 21st century. Furthermore it looks at the issue of pre-service teacher's understandings of this issue. The pre-service teachers who were involved in this project and whose experiences are described in the latter part of this paper were fourth year Greek undergraduate students majoring in elementary education at a Greek State university and a group of Erasmus undergraduate major students from several other European nations. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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