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Sonst. PersonenHuisman, Jeroen; Wende, Marijk C. van der
InstitutionAcademic Cooperation Association
TitelOn Cooperation and Competition II.
Institutional Responses to Internationalisation, Europeanisation and Globalisation.
QuelleBonn: Lemmens (2005), 247 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheACA Papers on International Cooperation in Education
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterDeutschland; Europa; Griechenland; Großbritannien; Niederlande; Norwegen; Portugal; Österreich
AbstractThis is the second report of the study on Higher Education Institutions Responses to Europeanisation, Internationalisation and Globalisation: Developing International Activities in a Multi-level Policy Context. This study, with the abbreviated name HEIGLO, is a research project funded by the Europan Unions 5th Framework Programme for R&D; Horizontal programme: Improving Human Potential and the Socio-economic Knowledge Base. The HEIGLO project co-ordinated by the center for Higher Education Policy Studies, University of Twente, aims to analyse the dynamic interaction between changing international, European and global contexts of higher education. More in particular, it seeks to identify and analyse higher education institutions responses to the challenges of Europeanisation, internationalisation and globalisation and the (supra)national contexts, the organisational settings, and the policies and activities aimed to support these responses. Contents: Wächter, Bernd: Foreword. - Luijten-Lub, Anneke/Huisman, Jeroen/Wende, Marijk van der: Introduction. - Hahn, Karola: German universities in the process of globalisation, Europeanisation and internationalisation. - Frolich, Nicoline/Stensaker, Bjorn: Academic, economic and developmental strategies - internationalisation of Norwegian higher education institutions. - Williams, Gareth/Evans, Jane: English university responses to globalisation, internationalisation and europeanisation. - Veiga, Amelia/Rosa, Maria Joao/Amaral, Alberto: Institutional internationalisation strategies in a context of state inefficiency. - Luijten-Lub, Anneke: Dutch higher education institutions working on Europeanisation, internationalisation and globalisation. - Kontogiannopoulou-Polydorides, Gitsa/Stamelos, George/ Papadiamantaki, Yiouli: Internationalisation and academic hierarchies in Greece - Cilture, power and agency. - Pfeffer, Thomas/Thomas, Jan/Obiltschnig, Brigitte: Austrian higher education institutions go international. - Wende, Marijk van der/Coate, Kelly/Kontogiannopoulou-Polydorides, Gitsa/Luijten-Lub, Anneke/Stamelos, George/ Papadiamantaki, Yiouli/Williams, Gareth: International comparative analysis. - Luijten-Lub, Anneke/Huisman, Jeroen/Wende, Marijk van der: Conclusions, reflections and recommendations (HoF/text adopted).
Erfasst vonInstitut für Hochschulforschung (HoF) an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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