Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Institution | Europäische Kommission |
Titel | Enseignements de troisieme cycle sur l'integration europeenne. Paralleltitel: Postgraduate degrees in European integration. |
Quelle | Luxemburg: Off. des publications officielles des Communautés Europ. (1996), 300 S. |
Beigaben | Tabellen |
Sprache | französisch |
Dokumenttyp | gedruckt; Monographie |
ISBN | 92-827-8872-5 |
Schlagwörter | Europäische Integration; Geschichtswissenschaft; Politikwissenschaft; Rechtswissenschaft; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Postgraduiertenstudium; Hochschule; Europäisches Studienprogramm; Nachschlagewerk; Europäische Union; Belgien; China; Deutschland; Dänemark; Finnland; Frankreich; Griechenland; Großbritannien; Irland; Israel; Italien; Kanada; Korea; Luxemburg; Macao; Malta; Niederlande; Polen; Portugal; Schweden; Schweiz; Spanien; Taiwan; Tunesien; Türkei; Ungarn; Österreich |
Abstract | The acceleration of the European construction process has progressively led universities to adapt their curricula to include the European integration studies. In so doing they are responding to a demand for indepth information and for the adaptation of teaching activities to take into account Community developments in Community law, European Economic integration, political and social studies as well as the history of European construction. The Jean Monnet Project launced in 1990, has contributed widely to the establishment of these "European" disciplines within their university programmes and attributing them with an autonomous status.... Recently, the accession of tree new countries to the Union has widened the circle of universities offering European Studies. At the same time teaching at the postgraduate level is also developing more and more in European Third countries as well as in non-European countries, in particular in Asia and Latin America. A total of 303 specialisation programmes concerning European Integration are listed in this sixth edition ... The aim of this directory is to help those who wish to identify courses and programmes of interest more easily. (DIPF/orig.). |
Erfasst von | DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main |
Update | 1999_(CD) |