Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige
Autor/in | Gercikov, Vladimir I. |
Titel | Fenomen rabotajuscego studenta vuza. Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Das Phänomen des arbeitenden Hochschulstudenten. The working student phenomenon. |
Quelle | In: Sociologiceskie issledovanija, (1999) 8, S. 87-94 |
Beigaben | Literaturangaben 8 |
Sprache | russisch; englische Zusammenfassung |
Dokumenttyp | gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz |
ISSN | 0132-1625 |
Schlagwörter | Finanzierung; Berufstätigkeit; Student; Russland |
Abstract | The article is devoted to students' employment in Russia today. The issue is looked at as an indicator for the changes in the country, in particular, in the labor market, and in the field of higher education. The study centers at the issues of students' employment structure, specifics of working students as learning persons, their characteristics as workmen(-women). Attention is paid to the awareness degree of the working student phenomenon by the main actors of the Russian higher education and labor market: teachers, universities' administration, employers, employment services staff. Some proposals and recommendations are suggested to improve teaching process and strengthening links of universities with the labor market. (DIPF/orig.). |
Erfasst von | DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main |
Update | 2001_(CD) |