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Autor/inBaird, Leonard L.
TitelThe undergraduate experience: Commonalities and differences among colleges.
QuelleIn: Research in higher education, (1990) 3, S.271-278Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCollege Student; Education Research; Community College; Scale Response; Student Experience
AbstractAbstract Item and scale responses of students in 42 colleges to the College Student Experiences Questionnaire were examined to determine the frequency with which students had engaged in a wide variety of college activities. Results suggested that students most commonly attended and carried out activities related to studying and classwork, but typically did not engage in a great many intellectual and extracurricular activities. Students in selective and general liberal arts colleges were more active and involved in their colleges' lives than students in doctoral universities or comprehensive colleges and universities. Community college students were just as active as other students in academic areas, but were far less involved in out-of-class activities.
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