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Autor/inn/enBélanger, Charles H.; Lavallée, Lise
TitelEconomic returns to schooling decisions.
QuelleIn: Research in higher education, (1980) 1, S.23-35Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSocial Work; Educational Program; Education Research; Educational Institution; Community College
AbstractAbstract This paper is an attempt to determine the private internal rate of return to investment in two levels and four selected educational programs (computer science, nursing, nutrition, and social work). In these fields, a perennial uneasy situation occurs in which many bachelor's degree graduates and community college vocational degree holders perform exactly the same work and receive different salaries. The monetary benefit returns to individuals are calculated by using the cost-benefit analysis method. Results will be useful not only to public employment agencies and educational institutions, but also particularly to students who strive to acquire the most profitable level of education in the most economical way.
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