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Autor/inBlount, Jackie
TitelExuberance and Despair
QuelleIn: History of Education Quarterly, 53 (2013) 2, S.163-169 (7 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Educational History; Essays; Historians; Educational Technology; Biographies; Authors
AbstractAs a historian of education, what excites you and compels you to keep doing scholarly work? If mortality were not an issue, how might you find your continued place in the field among ideas and sources that are dauntingly and increasingly vast? What is the work you most want to do? Jackie Blount provides her response herein: She would want to complete her project of writing a biography of Ella Flagg Young, a woman who among other things, led the Chicago Schools a hundred years ago; served as the first woman president of the NEA; and published a series of significant books with John Dewey. Within her response, Blount also conveys her thoughts about the provocative essays of Barbara Finkelstein, Wayne Urban, Jim Albisetti, and John Thelin (also commissioned for this issue of "History of Education Quarterly")--as well as about her own work--and considers some of the ways that the current era of digital transformation might affect their work as historians of education. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenWiley-Blackwell. 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148. Tel: 800-835-6770; Tel: 781-388-8598; Fax: 781-388-8232; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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