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Autor/inCastro Varela, María Do Mar
TitelFundamental education and decolonization of the mind.
QuelleIn: On education, 3 (2020) 7, 5 S.Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
DOI10.17899/ON_ED.2020.7.10 10.25656/01:23068
SchlagwörterBildung; Bildungstheorie; Grundbildung; Breitenbildung; Bildungsgeschichte; Bildungspolitik; Kolonialismus; Dekonstruktion; Erkenntnistheorie; Ethik; Dekolonisation; Hegemonie; Politik; Alphabetisierung; Aufklärung (Epoche); UNESCO (Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kultur und Kommunikation)
AbstractEducation is a key topic in anticolonial and postcolonial scholarship and activism. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, education was a crucial element of imperialism, as colonial rule without an educational program, which enabled epistemic violence, is almost unthinkable. As Edward Said outlines in Orientalism (1978), it was as vital for colonial powers to teach the 'other' as to study the 'other' (see also Castro Varela & Dhawan, 2020). Only through colonial education, it was possible to produce a colonized population that relied on and trusted European knowledge and internalized specific Eurocentric norms of knowledge production. Colonial education was part and parcel of the civilizational mission, which is why it finds itself in an ambivalent position via-à-vis mass education. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonInternational Centre for Higher Education Research, Kassel
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