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Autor/inn/enLeopold, Claudia; Mayer, Richard E.
TitelAn imagination effect in learning from scientific text.
QuelleIn: Journal of educational psychology, 107 (2015) 1, S. 47-63Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN0022-0663; 1939-2176
SchlagwörterVisuelle Vorstellung; Gedächtnis; Imagination; Pädagogischer Transfer; Multimedia; Lernen; Lernmethode
AbstractInvestigated the effects of mental imagery prompts on learning from scientific text in 2 experiments. Students read a computer-based text on the human respiratory system (control group), read while being asked to form an image corresponding to each of 9 paragraphs (imagery group), or read while being asked to form an image and with seeing an onscreen drawing before each paragraph (picture-before-imagery group) or after each paragraph (picture-after-imagery group). Imagery prompts facilitated transfer and retention performance compared to a control group on an immediate test (Experiment 1: d = 1.30 on transfer, d = 0.74 on retention) and on a delayed test (Experiment 2: d = 0.86 on transfer, d = 0.98 on retention), but the added drawings had no additional effect. The findings support the imagination principle, which states that people learn more deeply when prompted to form images depicting the spatial arrangement of what they are reading. (ZPID).
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Psychologie, Trier
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