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Autor/inn/enBalagová, Lucia; Haláková, Zuzana
TitelTeacher-Students' Interaction in Comparison of Teacher's Self-Perception and Students' Point of View
QuelleIn: European Journal of Educational Research, 7 (2018) 3, S.465-472 (8 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterTeacher Student Relationship; Interaction; Self Concept; Teacher Attitudes; Student Attitudes; Grade 12; Secondary School Teachers; Science Teachers; High School Students; Questionnaires; Foreign Countries; Gender Differences; Slovakia; Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction
AbstractBuilding a teacher-student relationship is important for creating trust, mutual understanding and respect. The interaction of teacher and students can be found using the 48-item Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction. The result is the Model for Interpersonal Teacher Behavior, consisting of four dimensions, which are further divided into eight sectors to evaluate the teacher. The main goal of our study was to show how the teacher and students perceive the environment of the class, whether their views match, and whether it is a statistical significant dependence among different sectors of the model teacher-students interaction. The sample size consisted of 63 Slovak students of 12th grade and their teacher of biology. Our results have shown that the teacher has evaluated herself similarly to the students, but without a statistical significant difference. In monitoring of the relationship of scales in the whole group of respondents, in the group of male and female respondents we showed statistically significant differences between the sectors. Using of Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction can help mutual knowing of students and teachers and the creation of positive relationships. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenEurasian Society of Educational Research Association. Ataturk District 70.Str. No:15 Gaziantep, Turkey 27260. Tel: +90-342-2116792; Fax: +90-342-2116677; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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