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Autor/inLewison, Grant
TitelJames Bond and citations to his books.
QuelleIn: Scientometrics, (2004) 3, S.311-320
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterScience Citation Index; Bibliometric Indicator; Citation Pattern; Citation Score; Annual Citation
AbstractAbstract This paper investigates two bibliometric problems: the listing of books in a specialist area (ornithology) and the determination of the citation pattern to individual authors, who often re-issue their books in later editions. James Bond, a Philadelphia ornithologist, who specialised in the birds of the West Indies, is used as an example of a naturalist whose long career led to many journal articles and enduring scientific fame through a well-known book. He also attained some unexpected notoriety through the use of his name by a popular novelist. Methods for the evaluation of his book and associated bird checklists in comparison with other similar works are presented on the basis of their citations.
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