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Autor/inn/enHintz, Carly J; Lackey, Brenda K
TitelAssessing community needs for expanding environmental education programming.
QuelleIn: Applied environmental education and communication, (2017) 4, S.287Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEducation; Programming; Communities; Leadership; Youth; Environmental education
AbstractBased on increased demand for educational programming, leadership at Schmeeckle Reserve, a campus natural area in Stevens Point, WI explored the needs for expanded environmental education efforts. In 2014, a three-phased needs assessment framework was employed to explore educational programming offered in the community. Results from interviews and surveys determined there was agreement that additional programming provided by Schmeeckle Reserve educators could fill a gap among nonformal youth (nonschool) groups during summer months. Practitioners in the environmental education field wishing to implement a method for more intentional program planning efforts may benefit from adopting similar processes.
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