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Autor/inn/enDebele, Meskerem; Plevyak, Linda
TitelEthiopian environmental education from a utopian perspective: A comparative study of two children's outlooks.
QuelleIn: Applied environmental education and communication, (2017) 4, S.213Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEducation; Textbooks; Children; Natural resources; Environmental education
AbstractThis article focuses on the topic of nature/environment in elementary environmental science textbooks, and the comparison between two third graders at a private Ethiopian school with an antiutopian and a utopian perspective on the environment. The antiutopian perspective is marked by a disconnect in one's cognitive representation of natural surroundings; whereas, the utopian perspective denotes a more intimate understanding of the value of natural resources. The difference in the children's social and environmental outlook showed that their natural disposition to interact with nature in a holistic manner should be given consideration in the development of an effective environmental education curriculum.
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