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Autor/inn/enFields, Timothy L.; Herndon-Brown, Shereem
TitelThe Black family's guide to college admissions.
A conversation about education, parenting, and race. 2nd ed.
QuelleBaltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press (2023), XXV, 267 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781421448961 (Taschenbuch); 9781421448978 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; African Americans; Education (Higher); African American universities and colleges; Universities and colleges; Admission; United States; College applications; Education, Higher; Parent participation; Erziehung
AbstractPart I. Context -- Affirmative action is dead -- Black parents: the choices we make now matter later -- Shift in power: the resurgence of HBCU culture -- The power 3 (the Black ivies) -- What is liberal arts education, and is it worth it? -- What's best for your child? HBCUs versus PWIs -- Part II. X factors -- What questions should you be asking in your family? -- Perception versus reality -- Why we all need to prioritize mental health -- Gender wars: how Black males and Black females are assessed in college admissions -- Sports, arts, and special talents -- Show me the money -- Part III. Process -- The power of essay writing (new) -- Expectation for success timeline -- The process: what are colleges looking for?. "This book will educate Black families on the college admission process and provide them with the information, tools, and knowledge they need to explore college options"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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