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Sonst. PersonenPalmer, Robert T. (Hrsg.); Flowers, Alonzo M. (Hrsg.); Jones, Sosanya (Hrsg.)
TitelBlack scholarship in a white academy.
Perseverance in the face of injustice.
QuelleBaltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2023), XI, 265 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781421447469 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781421447476 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; African American college teachers; Social conditions; African American scholars; Racism in higher education; United States; Discrimination in higher education; EDUCATION / Schools / Levels / Higher; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Diversity & Inclusion; Erziehung
AbstractIntroduction. Framing the context : situating Black tenure-track faculty in the academy and unpacking the theoretical anchor of anti-Blackness / Robert T. Palmer, Alonzo Flowers, Sosanya Jones, Nicole Johnson, and Katrina Struloeff -- White hegemonic practices to undervalue Black scholarship within higher education through the lens of anti-Blackness theory / Chad E. Kee -- Black epistemologies matter : challenging anti-Blackness in the predominantly white publishing world of the academy / Erik M. Hines Donna Y. Ford, James L. Moore III, and Edward C. Fletcher Jr. and Brian L. Wright -- What Black social scientists want to say to reviewer #1 : resisting race-conscious devaluation of Black scholars and Black scholarship once and for all / Terrell L. Strayhorn -- We goin' ultra Black? : Real rap about hip-hop pedagogy in higher education / H. Bernard Hall -- Epistemic exclusion : a form of scholarly devaluation that is a barrier to the inclusion of Black faculty / Martinque K. Jones, Isis H. Settles, NiCole T. Buchanan, and Kristie Dotson -- Building Black spaces for black epistemological inclusion / Blanca Elizabeth Vega -- Facing racial microaggressions in the academy : sustaining oneself through a womanist consciousness / Sheron Fraser-Burgess -- Let me tell you how to teach : students as purveyors of racial violence against black faculty in canadian institutions of higher learning / Beverly-Jean M. Daniel -- Exploring Black faculty narratives through three theoretical frameworks / Fred A. Bonner II, Stella L. Smith, and aretha f. marbley -- Navigating the tenure track, anti-CRT rhetoric, and red state America / Larry J. Walker -- A double minority in higher education : the intersection of Blackness and a stuttering disability on the tenure-track / Antonio L. Ellis -- Concluding : recentering the emergent themes to the framing of anti-Blackness : implications for research and practice / Alonzo M. Flowers, Sosanya Jones, Robert T. Palmer, Katrina Struloeff, and Nicole Johnson. "Perspectives on the ways Black scholarship has been devalued in the academy and how White hegemony undervalues Black scholarship"--Provided by publisher.; "Examines the experience of Black scholarship and faculty in predominantly White academic spaces.While research has emphasized the importance of a diverse faculty, higher education has done little to bring this goal to fruition. The hidden politics at play during the traditional tenure and promotion process represent a significant obstacle to the advancement of Black faculty. While research productivity is the cornerstone to a successful tenure and promotion case at most universities and colleges, Black faculty are more likely to be tasked with extra service activities, which constrains time for research. Many Black faculty are also community-conscious scholars dedicated to conducting research to help uplift their communities, which may not be seen as credible or as valuable in the tenure and promotion process .Edited by Robert T. Palmer, Alonzo M. Flowers III, and Sosanya Jones, Black Scholarship in a White Academy offers important perspectives on how Black faculty and their scholarship have been historically devalued within the academy, particularly in predominantly White academic spaces. Using anti-Blackness theory as a framework, contributors discuss how White hegemony operates to undervalue and obstruct Black scholarship and faculty. Covering such diverse topics as navigating the tenure process, building Black spaces for inclusion, and exploring the intersection of Blackness and disability in higher education, this book presents ways Black faculty can navigate and challenge systemic racism and racist toxicity within their institutions"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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