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Sonst. PersonenArchambault, Karen L. (Hrsg.); Hapes, Rebecca L. (Hrsg.)
TitelComprehensive advisor training and development.
Practices that deliver. 3rd ed.
QuelleSterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing, LLC (2022)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781642672848 (Leineneinband); 9781642672855 (Taschenbuch); 9781642672862 (PDF); 9781642672879 (EPUB)
SchlagwörterFaculty advisors; In-service training; Counseling in higher education; Student affairs services; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractBuilding a culture that supports training and development / Scott Byington, Tiffany K. Griffin, and Tricia Zelaya-Leon -- Voices from the field : developing a culture that Supports training and development / Jana Jaffa -- Funding advisor training and development / Dana Hebreard and Locksley Knibbs -- Voices from the field : gaining support for professional development from your college's administration / Karen L. Archambault -- Launching an effective training and development program / Daniel J. Turner and Teri J. Farr -- Assessment of advisor training and development / Kathy M. Zarges and Tomarra A. Adams -- Voices from the field : assessing training and development programs / Tim H. Cox -- Supporting the training and development of primary-role faculty and peer advisors / Megumi I. Makino-Kanehiro, Chrissy L. Davis Jones, Leah R. Frierson, and Marsha A. Miller -- The value and purpose of differing delivery systems in training and development / Susan M. Taffe Reed and Kate Bernas -- Theoretical foundations of training and development / Amanda Neuber, Raquel Fong, and Rebecca L. Hapes -- Voices from the field : taking a broad view of theoretical perspectives / Ryan Scheckel -- Using problem-based learning for training and development / Stephanie Kraft-Terry and Brigitte Wiebe -- Mentoring as a tool for advisor development / Vivian A. Medrano, Kim McAloney, Jenesis Long, and Jenine Buchanan -- Voices from the field : No mentee left behind : celebrating the NACADA Region 2 Mentoring Program / Gavin Farber -- Self-care as a tool for advisor development / Rhonda Dean Kyncl, Jeanne Eichler, Mehvash Ali, and Trevor Francis -- Voices from the field : self-care as a tool for advisor development / Jacob Rudy -- Technology as a tool for advisor development / Sarah Howard, Melissa Irvin, and John Sauter -- Training for intercultural competence and advising across differences / Erin Moira Lemrow, Leonor L. Wangensteen, and Michelle Smith Ware -- Supporting the development of academic advisor relational competencies / Craig M. McGill and Tony Lazarowicz -- Voices from the field : making the shift : transactional to relational advising / Donald B. Scott and Patricia Popovich. "This edited collection provides a practical framework for advisor training and professional development, underpinned by the theoretical rationale for those frameworks. This text is not focused on the "what" of advisor training but is instead intentionally focused on the "how" and the "why," encouraging those responsible for development and implementation to have a clear means by which to support advisor success"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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