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Sonst. PersonenFriedman, Daniel B. (Hrsg.); Skipper, Tracy Lynn (Hrsg.); Greene, Catherine S. (Hrsg.)
TitelFrom educational experiment to standard bearer.
University 101 at the University of South Carolina.
QuelleColumbia, South Carolina: The University of South Carolina Press (2022), XX, 249 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781643363653 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781643363660 (Taschenbuch); 9781643363677 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterSouth Carolina; USA; University of South Carolina, University 101 Programs; History; University of South Carolina; Curricula; College student development programs; College student orientation; College freshmen; Academic achievement; EDUCATION / Schools / Levels / Higher; EDUCATION / Administration / Higher; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractForeword. Fifty years later : looking back, looking ahead, giving credit, sustaining, and adapting the vision / John N. Gardner -- Preface / Daniel B. Friedman -- Origins of University 101 at the University of South Carolina / Christian K. Anderson -- The University 101 model : transforming higher education in the United States and abroad / Tracy L. Skipper -- The South Carolina model today : philosophy, goals, and course delivery / Daniel B. Friedman -- Key ingredients to a successful first-year seminar / Daniel B. Friedman -- University 101's impact on students' transition and success / Carrie Van Haren and Sandy Greene -- Faculty development, engagement, and impact / Katie Hopkins and Sandy Greene -- Peer leaders in University 101 / Emma Reabold and Mikaela Rea -- Campus partnerships / Catherine Greene and Catherine Flowers -- Conclusion: The South Carolina model : lessons learned and recommendations / Daniel B. Friedman and John N. Gardner -- Major figures in University 101 history / compiled by Tracy L. Skipper. "An exploration of the University of South Carolina's trailblazing approach to the first-year experience. As an innovative educational experiment, University 101 was designed to support students' transition to and success in college. Now, fifty years after its inception, the program continues to bring national recognition to the University of South Carolina. From Educational Experiment to Standard Bearer celebrates this milestone by exploring the course's origins; its evolution and success at the university; its impact on first-year students, upper-level students serving as peer leaders, faculty and staff instructors, and the university community and culture; and its role in launching the international first-year experience movement. By highlighting the most significant takeaways, lessons learned, and insights to practitioners on other campuses, this book will serve as an inspiration and road map for other institutions to invest in this proven concept and focus on the ingredients that lead to a successful program. John N. Gardner, founding director and architect of University 101, provides a foreword"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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