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Sonst. PersonenSanmugam, Mageswaran (Hrsg.)
TitelPerspectives and practices of gamification.
QuelleNew York: Nova Science Publishers (2022), XII, 335 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAdvancements in learning and instruction
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781685078065 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781685079123
SchlagwörterEducational games; Gamification; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"This book discusses the concept of gamification in a comprehensive and in-depth manner through an emphasis on its perspectives and practices in the field of education. Much effort has been expended to present the reader with comprehensive discussions about gamification from the kindergarten level to the tertiary level of education. As a result, this book serves as a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in learning more about the concept of gamification. This book's chapters are separated into two categories, namely: (i) concept article and (ii) research article. The authors of each chapter made every attempt to be accessible and appropriate to the majority of interested parties, such as prospective teachers and researchers. Readers will be able to delve into the theories that underpin the concept of gamification in each concept article, including Game Theory, definitions, and gamification features. The basic concepts mentioned show that this book is appropriate for all levels of readers, whether they are new to gamification or have been active in gamification-related studies for a long time. Furthermore, several chapters discuss gamification-related review studies, allowing the reader to see the most recent research trends as well as research gaps that can be explored for further study. The discussion in the research articles is primarily focused on the development of a product, such as games and modules, and their implementation. At the start of each of these research articles, the author focused on current issues that prompted the development of the product. Following that, the reader will be introduced to theories and models pertinent to the product's development. Discussions on data analysis and conclusions for each chapter were detailed and in-depth, based on evidence and credible reference sources. We wish the readers a pleasant reading experience while reading this book. We hope that the book will assist readers in solidifying their understanding of gamification and putting it into practice. Furthermore, we hope that this book will serve as a catalyst for readers to explore other areas of gamification"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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