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Autor/inPearce, Andrew
TitelBeacons of hope.
Lessons we can learn from resilient teachers.
QuelleNew York: Peter Lang (2022), XII, 241 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781800795402 (Taschenbuch); 9781800795419 (E-Book); 9781800795426 (EPUB); 9781800795433
SchlagwörterBiografie; Teachers; Psychology; Resilience (Personality trait); Burn out (Psychology); Prevention; Teacher turnover; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction - Towards a rationale: how did this book come about? -- The author's own story -- Towards a definition of resilience - a survey of key literature -- Teacher professional identity: a paradigm for approaching resilience? -- Listening to the voices: Adam's story -- Listening to the voices: Jane's story -- Listening to the voices: Mike's story -- Listening to the voices: Steve's story -- A quartet of voices: further reflections on the stories -- Learning from the stories: what lessons can we learn? -- Conclusion. "Whilst there is a significant and growing body of literature on teacher resilience, there is considerably less literature on why long service career teachers choose to stay in their profession. This book aims to explore, through the personal narratives of four resilient long service teachers, why this might be and it has implications for school leaders, pupil attainment, policy makers, ITE educators and of course, both pre-service and in-service teachers. The book identifies key themes and lessons which emerge from their stories and makes a number of recommendations which may benefit a range of stakeholders, not the least of which are teachers themselves. Throughout this book, which is based on the author's doctoral research, the concept of teacher professional identity emerges as a framework which offers considerable promise to those investigating the resilience of teachers. This book contends that the manifestation of a professional identity, which enables teachers to construct, reconstruct and manage multiple identities over time, will be crucial to teachers' ongoing resilience if they are to continue to function purposefully and effectively, in the future"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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