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Autor/inn/enWood, R. Craig; Thompson, David C.; Maiden, Jeffrey
TitelMoney and schools. 8th ed.
QuelleNew York, NY: Routledge (2022)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781032139951 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781032152257 (Taschenbuch); 9781003243120 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; School budgets; Handbooks, manuals, etc; Handbuch; United States; Schools; Accounting; Education; Finance; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"Money and Schools explains and demonstrates the relationship between money and equality of educational opportunity in a way that is clear, precise, and engaging. Grounded in research and best practices, this book provides a broad overview of school finance, budgeting, and resource allocation, an understanding of the underlying economic, social, legal, and political principles that drive how schools are funded, as well as a detailed examination of day-to-day funding operations. Rich pedagogical features include chapter drivers, point/counterpoint discussions, case studies, portfolio exercises, and web and recommended resources. This accessible and engaging book offers strong connections to real-world experiences and detailed information on pre-K-12 funding history, concepts, and current operations for both aspiring and experienced education leaders in school budgeting, finance, and resource management courses. New to this edition: Coverage of new concepts and trends, such as the political economy and culture of public education. Inclusion of cutting-edge research on the impacts of money on student learning outcomes. Expanded chapter-by-chapter annotations and recommended resources that point readers to other resources and explain key concepts in greater detail. New online supplemental downloads, including updated PowerPoints for Instructors and chapter-based interactive figures for download"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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