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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inWestphal, Laurie E.
TitelDifferentiating instruction with menus.
Literature (Grades 9-12). 2nd ed.
Quelle(Place of publication not identified): Routledge (2021)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781003234449; 1003234445; 9781000491951; 1000491951; 9781000499087; 1000499081; 9781618219503; 9781032143354
SchlagwörterEnglish language; Composition and exercises; Study and teaching; Language arts; Correlation with content subjects; Individualized instruction; Curriculum planning; Arts du langage; Relation avec les matières d'enseignement; Enseignement individualisé; EDUCATION / General; EDUCATION / Teaching Methods & Materials / Arts & Humanities; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractChapter 1: Choice Chapter 2: How to Use Menus in the Classroom Chapter 3: Guidelines for Products Chapter 4: Rubrics The Menus How to Use the Menu Pages Chapter 5: Novels, Short Stories, and Drama The Odyssey Fahrenheit 451 The Grapes of Wrath ⁰́₋The Gift of the Magi⁰́₊ To Kill a Mockingbird The Joy Luck Club The Book Thief Oedipus Rex Macbeth The Canterbury Tales The Scarlet Letter The Great Gatsby A Farewell to Arms Hamlet A Raisin in the Sun Chapter 6: Poetry ⁰́₋Sonnet 73⁰́₊ ⁰́₋The Raven⁰́₊ ⁰́₋We Grow Accustomed to the Dark⁰́₊ ⁰́₋Ode on a Grecian Urn⁰́₊ ⁰́₋Mending Wall⁰́₊ References About the Author Common Core State Standards Alignment. Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Literature (Grades 9-12):
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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