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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenTraxler, John (Hrsg.); Crompton, Helen (Hrsg.)
TitelCritical mobile pedagogy.
Cases of digital technologies and learners at the margins.
QuelleNew York: Routledge (2021), 236 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780429537165; 0429537166; 9780429523694; 0429523696; 9780429261572; 0429261578; 9780429551864; 042955186X; 036720455X; 9780367204556
SchlagwörterEducational technology; Educational equalization; Apprentissage mobile; Technologie éducative; Démocratisation de l'enseignement; EDUCATION / General; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction -- 1. The Ju/'hoan of Nyae Nyae: A Case of Exclusion and Ka Jan -- 2. Combining Robust Technology and Gamified Learning to Democratize Access to Growth Mindset -- 3. Our Town: Towards Creative Mobile Learning in Community Focused Place-Based Education -- 4. Digital Inequities in Rural Alaska -- 5. Mobile Device Literacy: Status and Needs of Women in Senegal -- 6. Supported Mobile Learning in the "Third Spaces" Between Non-Formal and Formal Education for Displaced People -- 7. Towards Participatory MOOCs -- 8. Mobile Information Literacy and Public Access in the Era of Post-Truth: Reflections from Community Curricular Experiences in Latin America -- 9. Awakening Sleeping Languages in Saskatchewan with Culturally Appropriate Curricula and Technology.; 10. Empathy-Driven Mobile App Development (MAD) without Coding: A Case of Citizen Developers -- 11. Technology-Enhanced Higher Education for Refugees -- 12. Disadvantaged Learners and the Digital Contractor: A Critical Perspective on Mobile Learning in the Global South with Reference to Paolo Freire -- 13. Mobile Learning Project Reports: A Contractor Delivery Review of Three Services for Disadvantaged and Marginalised Global South Learners -- 14. Post-Critical Mobile Pedagogy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Contexts -- 15. Mobile Assisted Third Space (MATS) in the Margins: A Tool for Social Justice and Democracy -- Conclusion: Breaking Hegemonic Structures and Conventions in Looking Towards a Critical Mobile Pedagogy -- List of Contributors -- Index. Critical Mobile Pedagogy is an exploration of mobile technologies for designing and delivering equitable and empowering education around the globe. Synthesizing a diverse range of projects and conceptual frameworks, this case-based collection addresses the ambitions, assumptions, and impacts of interventions in under-researched, often disadvantaged communities. The editors and authors provide a nuanced and culturally responsive approach to showcasing: indigenous, nomadic, refugee, rural, and other marginalized communities emerging pedagogies such as curation, open resources, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and self-directed learning contextual factors, including pedagogy, ethics, scaling, research methodology and culture, and consequences of innocuous or harmful implementation and deployment the nature of participation by global capital, multinationals, education systems, international agencies, national governments, and telecoms companies. Scholars, academics, policymakers, and program managers are increasingly using mobile technologies to support disadvantaged or disempowered communities in learning more effectively and appropriately. This book's diverse research precedents will help these and other stakeholders meet the challenges and opportunities of our complex, increasingly connected world and work with greater cultural and ethical sensitivity at the intersection of education, research, and technology.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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