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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenMalik, Muhammad Abid (Hrsg.); Akkaya, Bulent (Hrsg.); Harper, Donta S. (Hrsg.)
TitelComparative research on educational policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eastern vs. western perspectives.
QuelleHershey, PA: IGI Global (2022), XVI, 344 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAdvances in educational marketing, administration, and leadership (AEMAL) book series
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781668436004 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781668436011 (Taschenbuch); 9781668436028 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterWeb-based instruction; Cross-cultural studies; Social distancing (Public health) and education; COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractTeaching during COVID-19 : experiences of two novice distance language teachers / Güray Karaduman -- Impact of COVID 19 on South Africna higher education / Nkholedzeni Sidney -- Developing an international undergraduate business degree in Southeast Asia utilizing competency-based outcomes / Kurt Takamine -- The COVID-19 pandemic has forced digital integration and accelerated the transformation of learning and teaching practices : between one-off organizational effort and lasting change to be supported / Walter Nuninger -- Innovative instructional strategies which motivates students to learn during pandemic / G.S. Prakasha, Peter Muttungal, Joseph Varghese Kureethara -- Citizens' participation and law-making at a local level in the USA / Maria Jesus Garcia. "This book identifies the challenges faced by higher education at different levels during Covid-19 in Eastern and Western countries, offering different strategies used at individual, institutional and national level to combat Covid-19 "--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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