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Sonst. PersonenDutt-Ballerstadt, Reshmi (Hrsg.); Bhattacharya, Kakali (Hrsg.)
TitelCivility, free speech, and academic freedom in higher education.
Faculty on the margins.
QuelleNew York, NY: Routledge (2021)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780367243647 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9780367243654 (Taschenbuch); 9780429282041 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; Academic freedom; Social aspects; United States; Minorities in higher education; College teachers; Professional relationships; Erziehung
AbstractAmerican perversions, or, The incredibly twisted, horribly true story of how I got educated in the academy / Shannon Gibney -- A history of white violence tells us attacks on Black academics are not ending (I know because it happened to me) / Saida Grundy -- No actual bodies needed, or, "Girl. What are you looking at?" : the looking and seeing of time and space in Ken Gonzales-Day's Shadowlands as a disruption of normalized U.S. American institutionalized racialviolence against Brown and Black bodies / Taiyon J. Coleman -- Universities, civility, and repression in the age of new media : surveillance capital and resistance / Mohan J. Dutta -- On the social epistemology of academic freedom / Arianne Shahvisi -- The rhetoric of civility as soft repression / Dana L. Cloud -- What did we provoke? : BIPOC/WOC calling out White supremacy in the academy / Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt -- Civility and the bounds of the permissible : scholars of color embodying the very social-political dynamics at the heart of their critiques / Matthew Abraham -- The "F" bomb and the "R" word / Jeong-Eun Rhee and Mary Pigliacelli -- Chronicles exploring hegemonic civility and the evisceration of academic freedom for critical womyn of color / Manali J. Sheth and Natasha N. Croom -- Civility as absurdity : absurdity as civility in higher education / Kakali Bhattacharya -- Afterword : the civility-incivility paradox / Johnny Williams. "In the current sociopolitical climate, discourse surrounding civility and free speech within universities has spurred controversy and even violence in some instances. This book offers an interdisciplinary approach, deploying theoretical, methodological, sociological, political, and creative perspectives to articulate the stakes of civility for marginalized academics within higher education. Chapter authors explore how the discourse on civility and free speech within academia can become a systemic form of silencing, controlling, suppressing or eradicating marginalized voices"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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