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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionInformation Resources Management Association
TitelResearch anthology on facilitating new educational practices through communities of learning.
QuelleHershey: Information Science Reference (2021), 2 Bde.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheCritical explorations.
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781799872948 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781799872955 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; Lehrerheft; Mentoring in education; United States; African American universities and colleges; Faculty; Professional learning communities; Teachers; In-service training; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractWhile highlighting topics such as learning communities, teacher development, mentoring, and virtual communities, this book is essential for inservice and preservice teachers, administrators, teacher educators, practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students who are interested in how communities of practice tie into professional development, teacher learning, and the online shift in teaching"-- Scaffolding Undergraduate STEM Majors -- To What Extent Is Culture Change Possible Through Coaching and Mentoring? -- Exploring Mentoring Program Efficacy Within the Context of EBOCD -- Mentoring for Novice Teachers -- Mentoring Faculty -- Quality Mentoring -- The "Art" in Mentoring Women Faculty at Historically Black Colleges/Universities -- The Double-Edged Sword of "Othermothering" for African American Women Faculty With Families -- Building Positive Mentoring Experiences for Black Male Faculty at a Historically Black College and University -- Mentoring the Black Male Faculty Member -- A Study of Novice Faculty Members' Experiences During the Mentoring Process -- Mentoring Toward Independent Scholarship -- Blended Mentoring -- Organizational E-Mentoring and Learning -- The Practice of Mentoring -- Investigating the Impacts of a Mentoring Model on Experienced EFL Teachers at Tertiary Level -- The Role of Principals as Mentors in Mentoring Deputy Principals -- Blended Learning With a Virtual Mentoring Community -- Innovative Approaches to Traditional Mentoring Practices of Women in Higher Education -- An Eco-System Architectural Model for Delivering Educational Services to Children With Learning Problems in Basic Mathematics -- Intricacies of Cross Cultural Mentoring -- Knowledge Swarms and Experiential Hives -- E-Mentoring as a Professional Teacher Development Tool -- The Benefits of Peer Tutoring and Peer Mentoring in University -- Advocacy and Teacher Mentoring -- Strategies to Mentor Female Faculty -- Mentoring in the Web Class for Adult Learners -- Improving Online Collaboration in Contemporary IT Development Teams -- Social Constructivism as a Theoretical Foundation of Cross-Cultural Mentoring for Foreign Born Faculty -- Impact of Mentoring and Support Programs on Academic Performance of African American Males -- Strategies to Empower Women in Higher Education Positions -- Integrating Mentees in Mentoring Activities -- Mentoring African American Women at Historically Black Colleges/Universities -- Collaborative Learning Strategies in Organizations -- Wikis as Tools for Enhancing Interaction and Fulfilling Expectations of Modern Learning Theories -- Bridging the Social, Academic, and Cultural Divide for International Students -- A Framework for E-Mentoring in Doctoral Education -- Mentoring Dissertation Students in Online Doctoral Programs -- Zooming Into Mentor-Mentee Relationship to Explore Mentoring Strategies -- Women Professors' Ways of Working in Academia -- Challenges in Online Collaboration -- Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions -- Mentor the Leader -- Preparing and Supporting Classroom Teachers Through Induction -- Mentoring of Pre-Service Teachers -- Design and Implementation of Mentoring Programs -- Mentoring Faculty Through the Glass Ceiling at HBCUs -- Women in STEM Workplaces and Computer Mediated Communication -- Redefining the Proxemics of the Mentorship -- Imagining Graduate Students -- Exploring Constrained Creative Communication -- The Role of the Mentor -- Mentoring at Minority-Serving Institutions -- Mentorship Across Faculty Lines -- Utilization of Reflective Strategies by Mentors in the Student Teacher Mentoring Program (STMP) in a Selected Province in Zimbabwe -- Professional Learning Communities and Adult Learning and Teaching -- Google Docs Motivates Creative Inspiration and Constructive Interaction -- Mentoring University Preparatory Students Through World Englishes (WEs)-Integrated Courses -- Collaborative Environments Based on Digital Learning Ecosystem Approach to Reduce the Digital Divide -- A Synchronous Pedagogy to Improve Online Student Success.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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