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Sonst. PersonenCartmel, Jennifer (Hrsg.); Worch, Rick (Hrsg.)
TitelPlaywork practice at the margins.
Research perspectives from diverse settings.
QuelleAbingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2021)Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAdvances in playwork research
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781138319165 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9780429454073 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterPlay; Research; Early childhood education; Critical thinking; Playwork; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractAt the margins / Jennifer Cartmel -- Employing playwork principles at zoos / Rick Worch -- Playwork in the rainforest / Alison L. Black & Gail Crimmins -- Playwork play works / Pauline Chan, Ada Wong, Serena Fung, Noel Kwok & Lam Pui -- Paradoxes of playwork practice in an English primary school / Craig Johnston & Finn Cullen -- Loose parts in an outside-school-hours-care setting / Angus Gorrie & Hyacinth Udah -- Intergenerational play / Eifiona Thomas Lane, Rebecca Jones, Rhiannon Little, & Huw Meredydd Owen -- Playwork in domestic and family violence refuges / Cindy Dawson, & Hayley Rideout -- Play for sick children / Chika Matsudaira -- We all need to play: Supporting play for children with disability in Fiji. A practitioner narrative / Emma McIntoch -- Final thoughts / Jennifer Cartmel. "Playwork Practice at the Margins explores the circumstances where playwork practice intersects with practice from diverse contexts and settings, encompassing disciplines such as health, education, early intervention and community development. Each chapter focuses on a research project situated in a unique setting or space such as zoos, hospitals, refuges and rainforests. In these settings the authors reflect on playwork principles and consider these in relation to the theory, research, design and findings of their project. By presenting research from settings at the margins of traditional playwork, the authors use shared values and principles to consider the significance of playwork when embedded in transdisciplinary work. The book is underpinned by a model of reflective thinking that is used to examine how playwork practice is intertwined with knowledge from other disciplines. With a range of international contributions from both researchers and practitioners, this is the ideal text for academics and researchers in the fields of early childhood education, allied health, community development and social work disciplines as well as human geographers and practitioners in children's services worldwide"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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