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Autor/inReich, Justin
TitelFailure to disrupt.
Why technology alone can't transform education.
QuelleCambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press (2020), XI, 312 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780674089044 (Leineneinband)
SchlagwörterEducational technology; Educational change; Computer-assisted instruction; Evaluation; Internet in education; MOOCs (Web-based instruction); Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction: A tinker's guide to learning at scale -- Part I. Three genres of learning at scale: MOOCs and instructor-guided learning -- Algorithm-guided learning: adaptive tutors and computer-assisted instruction -- Peer-guided learning: networked learning communities, aggregators, and syndication -- Testing the genres: learning games -- Part II. Dilemmas in learning at scale: The curse of the familiar -- The edtech Matthew effect -- The trap of routine assessment -- The toxic power of data -- Conclusion: The next robot tutor in the sky. "From MOOCs to autograders to computerized tutors, technologies designed for large-scale learning have never lived up to the hype. Justin Reich once promoted these "transformative" novelties; now he reveals their failures. Successful education reform, he concludes, will focus on incremental institutional change, not the next killer app"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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