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Autor/inn/enLunenburg, Frederick C.; Ornstein, Allan C.
TitelEducational administration.
Concepts and practices. 7th ed.
QuelleLos Angeles: SAGE (2022), XVIII, 532 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781544373607 (Taschenbuch); 9781544373614 (EPUB); 9781544373621 (EPUB); 9781544373638
SchlagwörterSchool management and organization; United States; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractPart I: Development of administrative theory -- Organizational structure -- Organizational culture -- Part II: Motivation -- Leadership -- Decision making -- Communication -- Organizational change -- Part III -- The federal and state government and education -- Excellence, equality, and education -- School finance and productivity -- Legal considerations and education -- Part IV -- Curriculum development and implementation -- Analyzing and improving teaching -- Human resources administration. "The ever-changing field of education gives us an idea of how results from k-12 not only affect higher education but also U.S. society. Balancing theory, research, and practical applications, Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices is the best-selling and most comprehensive text of its kind. This practical, applied approach to educational administration guides future administrators through the theories and research-based practices to apply them to their own professional endeavors. The new Seventh Edition offers a balanced perspective, using Pro/Con Debates in each chapter to illustrate opposing perspectives on major issues facing educational administrators. Additionally, Administrative Advice boxes highlight the words of advice from current school leaders. Statistical figures have been updated throughout the text as well as the detailed narrative of the implications of these new figures within our educational system. A discussion on how social justice plays a role within our educational system has been added, most notably indicating the roots of social justice and the meaning of the mentioned. The authors have added discussions on the difference between educational policies throughout different presidencies and through recent history. These changes mark not only change at the federal level but also their effects on state and district policies. Authors Fred C. Lunenburg and Allan Ornstein discuss all topics necessary for a complete understanding of educational administration, balancing theory and research with practical coverage of culture, change, curriculum, human resources administration, diversity, effective teaching strategies, and supervision of instruction"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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