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Sonst. PersonenRichards, Daniel P. (Hrsg.)
TitelOn teacher neutrality.
Politics, praxis, and performativity.
QuelleLogan: Utah State University Press (2020), XII, 291 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781607329985 (Taschenbuch); 9781607329992 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterCollege teachers; Attitudes; Prejudices; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction : the politics, praxis, and performativity of teacher neutrality / Daniel P. Richards -- The limits of neutrality : how new graduate instructors negotiate politics, race, and ideology in the composition classroom / Meaghan Brewer -- Living in contradiction : translingual writing pedagogies and the two-year college / Jason C. Evans -- Walking the narrow ridge : when performing neutrality isn't an option in the vocation of the Christian professor / Jessica Clements -- Contingent faculty, student evaluation, and pedagogical neutrality / Robert Samuels -- The non-controversy and controversy of neutrality : a conversation with John Trimbur / Daniel P. Richards -- Strangers on their own campus : listening across difference in qualitative research / Kelly Blewett, with Tyler S. -- Believing critically : teaching critical thinking through the conversion narrative / Christopher Michael Brown -- Ideology through process and slow-start pedagogy : co-constructing the path of least resistance in the social justice writing classroom / Lauren F. Lichty & Karen Rosenberg -- Transparency as a defense-less act : shining light on emerging ideologies in an activist writing and research course / Heather Fester -- It depends on the context : cultural competencies in first-year English / Mara Holt -- The metis of reliability : using the framework for success to aid the performance of neutrality within writing assessment / Tristan Abbott -- Massive open ideology : ideological neutrality in Arizona State's composition MOOCs / Adam Pacton -- Encounters with friction : engaging resistance through strategic neutrality / Romeo García & Yndalecio Isaac Hinojosa -- Turning resistances into engagement / Erika Johnson & Tawny LeBouef Tullia -- Who is afraid of neutrality? : Performativity, resignification, and the Jena Six in the composition classroom / David P. Stubblefield & Chad Chisholm -- Moving from transparent to translucent pedagogy / Jennifer Thomas & Allison L. Rowland -- Full disclosure/now what? / Daniel P. Richards. "Explores the ramifications of overly-theoretical ideological arguments about teacher neutrality in higher education. Focuses on this contentious concept, emphasizing practical possibilities and impossibilities of neutrality in the teaching of writing, the deployment of neutrality as a political motif in public discourse shaping policy, and performativity of individual instructors"Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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