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Sonst. PersonenObiakor, Festus E. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionInformation Age Publishing
TitelValuing other voices.
Discourses that matter in education, social justice, and multiculturalism.
QuelleCharlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, Inc. (2020), XIII, 109 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781641139250 (Taschenbuch); 9781641139267 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781641139274 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterSocial justice and education; Multiculturalism; Interpersonal relations; Erziehung
Abstract1. The multicultural fabric of education in the United States: In honor of "E Pluribus Unum" -- 2. Addressing mythologies that hamper multicultural and global education -- 3. How "Special" is special education for African Americans in the United States -- 4. Leadership for changing times -- 5. Beyond silence in social justice and multiculturalism -- 6. The "Model Minority Myth" and Asians in America's higher education: Impact on multicultural education -- 7. Historically black colleges and universities matter: Impact on teacher education -- 8. Global learning and teaching in general and special education -- 9. Building self-concepts of vulnerable children and youth -- 10. Benefits of educating and hiring an "African" in America's higher education -- 11. "Bandwagon Effect" on thinking and society: Toward multicultural problem solving -- 12. Afterword. "How can we build an organization or institution that treats people equitably? How do we develop conscientious communities where people's voices are heard and not silenced? How can we go from half-truths and alternative facts to real truths? How can we reduce or eliminate societal ills such as racism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, religious dogmatism, sexism, homophobia, tribalism, colonial mentality, slave mentality, Messiah Complex, and terrorism? How can we get into the mind's eyes of others and "treat them as we would like to be treated?" How do we create environments that stimulate fearless or "hearty" conversations between peoples? How do we learn from history or other people's experiences to make functional goal-directed decisions? And, how can we inspire people to value their differences and similarities as they think and talk in our global village? These are questions that deserve answers in our respective communities, states, nations, and world. This book, Valuing Other Voices: Discourses That Matter in Education, Social Justice, and Multiculturalism opens doors of communication for all people willing to create a community, state, nation, or world of harmony"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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