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Autor/inn/enCustable, Wendy; Farmer, Paul C.
TitelCollaboration for career & technical education.
Teamwork beyond the core content areas in a PLC at work.
QuelleBloomington: Solution Tree Press (2020), XIV, 176 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781949539677 (Taschenbuch); 9781949539684 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; Career education teachers; In-service training; United States; Professional relationships; Technical education teachers; Career education; Technical education; Teaching teams; Teacher participation in curriculum planning; Education; Methodology; Erziehung
AbstractEstablishing a collaborative culture -- Forming teams -- Teaming logistics -- Identifying essential learnings in CTE curriculum -- Simplifying essential learnings -- Designing instruction and assessments -- Reflecting on data -- Responding to student learning -- Epilogue: Turning parking spaces into rest spaces. "In Collaboration for Career and Technical Education: Teamwork Beyond the Core Content Areas in a PLC authors Wendy Custable and Paul C. Farmer provide a guide for readers who wish to integrate the PLC process into their CTE programs of study. The authors note that CTE teachers are often singleton teachers and, as a result, are often left out of the collaborative process - if they have access to one at all. Yet, the PLC system has numerous proven benefits that CTE teachers can use to develop their students' knowledge, develop rigorous academic standards and best practices, and best prepare their students for their lives post graduation. Consequently, these CTE educators need a PLC system that is structured uniquely for their situation and their fields of study. Key to developing a professional learning community consisting of multiple singleton teachers is learning how to focus on what all of these educators' fields of study have in common. Therefore, the authors provide all of the information these educators will need to define their clarity of purpose, discover their common denominators, and build a powerful collaborative process. Using this book, CTE educators and singleton teachers will learn the vital strategies necessary for team building and improvement and the creation of customizable collaborative processes"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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