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Sonst. PersonenOrakcı, Şenol (Hrsg.)
TitelParadigm shifts in 21st century teaching and learning.
QuelleHershey, PA: IGI Global (2020), XVIII, 344 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAdvances in educational technologies and instructional design (AETID) book series.
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781799831464 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781799851196 (Taschenbuch); 9781799831471 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterEducation; Effect of technological innovations on; Methodology; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractFlipped classroom : learning in digital era / Nabasmita Phukan, Siddhartha Kosti, Nipun Gupta -- Active use of analogy method with technology in education / Melike Ramazanogullari -- The effect of brain-based professional development on shifting English language teachers' pedagogical perceptions / Walaa El-Henawy -- The importance of layered curriculum in learning-teaching process / Senol Orakci -- An overview of learning and teaching from the past to the present : new learning and teaching paradigms in the 21st century / Cihad Sentürk, Gökhan Bas -- The dance of Clark and Kozma : ICT teacher candidates' responses / Selcan Kilis, Seher Balbay -- An overview of project-based learning practices within the context of 21st century skills / Cennet Göloglu Demir -- Strategies to enhance the most effective classroom management techniques and practices : learner-teacher interaction / Masello Phajane -- STEM for English language teaching / Bilge Akinci -- Task-based language teaching / Gökhan Kayir -- Flipped learning / Gülçin Zeybek -- Cognitive vs. social constructivist learning for research and training on the Angoff method / Ifeoma Iyioke -- Connections-based learning : a model for learning interactions / Cynthia Montaudon-Tomas, Ivonne Montaudon-Tomas, Ingrid Pinto-López -- Synectics as a modern method of solving creative problems / Ayagul Serikbayeva, Lyazzat Beisenbayeva -- Equipping educators to mainstream sustainability education in higher education settings via transformative learning approach : literature review and framework proposal / Sadaf Taimur, Motoharu Onuki -- Strategies to enhance the most effective classroom management techniques and practices Learner-teacher interaction / Masello Phajane -- Using lean method in English language classes / Araigul Kozhakhmetova, Lyazzat Beisenbayeva. "This book examines new approaches to teaching and learning in the 21st century"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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