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Autor/inShane, Kryss
TitelThe educator's guide to LGBT+ inclusion.
A practical resource for k-12 teachers, administrators, and school support staff.
QuelleLondon: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2020), 235 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781787751088; 9781787751095 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterUSA; Sexual minority students; United States; Sexual minority youth; Education; Homosexuality and education; School environment; Social aspects; Curricula; Teachers; Training of; Erziehung
AbstractHow big of a problem is this? -- Foreword / by PostSecret -- Safety -- How to be an LGBT+ ally -- Privilege -- Intersectionality -- Battle fatigue -- Terminology -- Coming out -- Research your resources -- [Scenarios] -- Assessing your school -- In the classroom & direct leading spaces -- Teaching and learning materials -- Clubs, extra-curriculars, electives, and sports -- How to implement change -- In the meantime/on your own -- Inclusive curriculum. "Setting out best practices and professional guidance for creating LGBT inclusive learning in schools, this authoritative guidebook for K-12 teachers provides advice on implementing alterations and updates to policies, curriculums, behaviors and learning environments for LGBT youth in the American education system. This book features real-life situations and scenarios, a glossary, and further resources. It enables professionals in a variety of school roles to integrate foundational concepts into their everyday interactions with students, families, and staff to create an overall school culture that reinforces a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environment for all"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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