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Sonst. PersonenHundley, Stephen P. (Hrsg.); Kahn, Susan (Hrsg.)
TitelTrends in assessment.
Ideas, opportunities, and issues for higher education.
QuelleSterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing (2019), XVII, 240 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781642670929; 9781642670936; 9781642670943; 9781642670950
SchlagwörterUSA; Education, Higher; Evaluation; United States; Aims and objectives; Universities and colleges; Planning; Bildungsgeschichte
AbstractTrends in assessment -- Movement afoot : fostering discourse on assessment scholarship -- Becoming more HIP : assessment trends in high-impact learning practices and student success -- Evolving practices in the development and assessment of global learning -- Assessing community engagement -- Understanding students yesterday, today, and tomorrow : trends in student affairs assessment -- STEM education and assessment : evolving through evidence -- Assessment at the highest degree(s) : trends in graduate and professional education -- Measuring faculty learning : trends in the assessment of faculty development -- Transforming assessment, assessing transformation: eportfolio assessment trends -- Looking to the future -- Lots of assessment, little improvement? : how to fix the broken system -- Using assessment trends in planning, decision-making, and improvement -- Meta-trends in assessment : perspectives, analyses, and future directions.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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