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Autor/inBurroughs, Chloe
TitelThe return to study handbook.
Study skills for mature, distance, and workplace learners.
QuelleLondon: Kogan Page Limited (2019), XVI, 221 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781789660241 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9780749496906 (Taschenbuch); 9780749496913 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterStudy skills; Adult education; Erziehung
AbstractIndependent learning -- Embrace your non-traditionalism as a student -- How to prepare for higher education -- Goal-setting -- Mindset -- Motivation -- Organization -- Productivity -- The dark side of productivity -- Lectures and tutorials -- Note-taking -- Essay writing -- Exam revision -- Exam strategies -- Continuous improvement. "Have you learned how to learn? Written especially for professional or distance learners, part-time or mature students, and formal CPD qualification candidates, The Return to Study Handbook will teach you how to study effectively, ace your ongoing education, and get the grades you need to advance in your career. Whether you need to balance your learning with full or part-time work, or overcome the 'mindset gremlins' stemming from a negative school experience, this book will empower you to effectively manage your own learning and provide you with the full range of mental and practical skills you need to succeed. Packed with practical tools, tips, exercises, case studies and strategies, plus the author's own inspirational story, The Return to Study Handbook not only covers the study skills necessary for any student to be successful - such as effective note-taking; exam technique; and essay writing - but it specifically addresses relevant topics for non-traditional students. With advice on recommended technology aids; handling procrastination and distractions; dealing with overwhelm and avoiding burnout; managing distance learning; and overcoming the mental and emotional barriers of past experiences, this book will guide you through everything you need to achieve the grades and career you want"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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