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Sonst. PersonenFord, Derek (Hrsg.)
TitelKeywords in radical philosophy and education.
Common concepts for contemporary movements.
QuelleLeiden: Brill Sense (2019), XVIII, 505 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheCritical understanding in education. 1
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9789004396180; 9789004400467 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterEducation, Higher; Philosophy; Political aspects; Radicalism; Terminology; Social movements; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractAn introduction, a wager: Long live 1radical philosophy and education! / Derek R. Ford, Anneliese Waalkes, Savannah Jo Wilcek and Clayton Cooprider -- Animals / Kelsey Dayle John -- Anti-fascism : late-stage capitalism and the pedagogical resurgence of anti-fascism / Colin Jenkins -- Becoming, or why difference is fundamental to education for emancipation / Jesse Bazzul -- Borders : pedagogies and epistemologies / Rebecca Alexander -- China : reform and revolution in the People's Republic / Ajit Singh -- Coloniality : key dimensions and critical implications / Noah De Lissovoy and Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon -- Deaf : a culturally-sustaining philosophy for deaf education / Steven J. Singer and Katherine M. J. Vroman -- Towards constructing an education-debt apparatus lexicon / Jason Thomas Wozniak -- Declassee : socialist pedagogy and the struggle for a worldview at the end of the world / Elijah Blanton -- Dialectical-materialism : a philosophical framework, a theoretical "weapon" and a framing research tool / Polina-Theopoula Chrysochou -- Digital : the three ages of the digital / Petar Jandric -- Discussion : a radical view / David I. Backer -- Empowerment / Sara Tolbert, Alexa Schindel, Salina Gray, Lenore Kenny, Marelis Rivera, Nicole Snook and Chris Widimaier -- Groundings : a revolutionary pan-African pedagogy for guerilla intellectuals / Jesse Benjamin and Devyn Springer -- History : reorienting the history of education toward the many / Curry Malott -- Libidinal / Katie Crabtree -- Listening / Zeyad El Nabolsy -- Needle : syringe exchange and care in the resistance to biomedical governmentality / Aashish Hemrajani -- Pneumatic : education, air, and the common / Derek R. Ford -- Podcasting : pedagogy, and the inheritance of clandestine broadcasts / Matt Bernico and Dean Dettloff -- Postsecular : thinking in the gap, or Hannah Arendt and the prospects for a postsecular philosophy of education / David J. Wolken -- Praxis : revolutionary theory and practice in the present / Brian Becker -- Press : radical black media / Khuram Hussain -- Privatisation : education and commodity forms / Glenn Rikowski -- Sex : the pedagogical stakes / Caitlin Howlett -- Students / Sandra Delgado -- Study : a disinterested passion / Tyson E. Lewis -- Truth : the importance of understanding discourse in social justice education, the truth and nothing but the truth? / Barbara Applebaum -- Unconscious : revolutionary critical pedagogy and the macrostructural unconscious / Peter McLaren -- Unionism : contemplating a radical social movement unionism for the post-Janus US labor movement / Michelle Gautreaux -- Wind / Weili Zhao. "While education is an inherently political field and practice, and while the political struggles that radical philosophy takes up necessarily involve education, there remains much to be done at the intersection of education and radical philosophy. That so many intense political struggles today actually center educational processes and institutions makes this gap all the more pressing. Yet in order for this work to be done, we need to begin to establish common frameworks and languages in and with which to move Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education takes up this crucial and urgent task. Dozens of emerging and leading activists, organizers, and scholars assemble a collective body of concepts to interrogate, provoke, and mobilize contemporary political, economic, and social struggles. This wide-ranging edited collection covers key and innovative philosophical and educational themes--from animals, sex, wind, and praxis, to studying, podcasting, debt, and students. This field-defining work is a necessary resource for all activists and academics interested in exploring the latest conceptual contributions growing out of the intersection of social struggles and the university"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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