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Sonst. PersonenMcNinch, James (Hrsg.; Vorw.); Spooner, Marc (Hrsg.
TitelDissident knowledge in higher education.
QuelleRegina, Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press (2018), XXXII, 319 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780889775367; 9780889775374; 9780889775381
SchlagwörterBiografie; Konferenzschrift; Academic freedom; Congresses; Kongress; Political aspects; Neoliberalism; Dissenters; Education, Higher; Universities and colleges; Research; Hochschulbildung; Erziehung
AbstractA dangerous accountability : neoliberalism's veer toward accountancy in higher education / Yvonna S. Lincoln -- The art of the impossible -- defining and measuring indigenous research? / Linda Tuhiwai Smith -- An interview with Dr. Norman K. Denzin on the politics of evidence, science, and research -- An interview with Dr. Noam Chomsky on neoliberalism, society, and higher education -- Accumulation and its dis'(sed) contents : the politics of evidence in the struggle for public education / Michelle Fine -- Beyond epistemicide : knowledge democracy and higher education / Budd L. Hall -- Within and beyond neoliberalism : doing qualitative research in the afterward / Patti Lather -- Reconciling indigenous knowledge in education : promises, possibilities, and imperatives / Marie Battiste -- Biting the university that feeds us / Eve Tuck -- Refusing the university / Sandy Grande -- Beyond individualism : the psychosocial life of the neoliberal university / Rosalind Gill -- Fatal distraction : audit culture and accountability in the corporate university / Joel Westheimer -- Public scholarship and faculty agency : rethinking "teaching, scholarship, and service" / Christopher Meyers -- Afterword : the defenestration of democracy / Peter McLaren.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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