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Autor/inFreire, Paulo
Sonst. PersonenMacedo, Donaldo Pereira (Übers.); Oliveira, Alexandre K. (Übers.); Carnoy, Martin (Vorw.); Dowbor, Ladislau (Vorw.); Freire, Ana Maria Araújo (Mitarb.); Freire, Paulo (Hrsg.)
TitelPedagogy of the heart.
Translation of:
Einheitssachtitel: A sombra desta mangueira.
QuelleLondon: Bloomsbury Academic (2016), XXIV, 89 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheBloomsbury revelations
Spracheenglisch; Originaltext in Portugiesisch
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781474299114 (Taschenbuch); 1474299113 (Taschenbuch); 9781474299121 (EPUB); 1474299121 (EPUB); 9781474299138 (E-PDF); 147429913X (E-PDF)
SchlagwörterBrasilien; Education; Political aspects; Popular education; Brazil; Philosophy; Critical pedagogy; Erziehung
AbstractThis book represents some of the last writings by Paulo Freire, who has been acclaimed one of the most important educators of the 20th century. Pedagogy of the Heart is filled with Freire's reminiscences of his early life and meditations "under my mango tree." Many of these will be familiar themes to those who have walked with Freire before. For those coming to his work for the first time, Pedagogy of the Heart will open new doors to the interrelations of education and political struggle. Further enhancing the text are substantive notes by Ana Maria Araujo Freire.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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