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Autor/inGallagher, Chris W.
TitelCollege made whole.
Integrative learning for a divided world.
QuelleBaltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press (2019), XVI, 222 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781421432625; 1421432625; 9781421432632 (elektronisch); 1421432633 (elektronisch)
SchlagwörterEducation, Higher; Computer-assisted instruction; Aims and objectives; Educational technology; Adaptive learning; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractThe many and the one: integrating higher education as a public good and a private good -- Depth and breadth: integrating specialized expertise and generalized understanding -- Inside and outside: integrating classroom learning and learning in other contexts -- A life and a living: integrating liberal learning and professional learning -- Humans and machines: integrating faculty expertise and learning technologies -- Now and then: integrating degrees and lifelong learning opportunities -- Conclusion: educating Esther. "This optimistic big-idea book about the philosophy and organization of higher education explains how universities can form creative, adaptive, and integrative graduates who are ready to take on the complex, systemic problems of the contemporary world. The author argues against those who propose to unbundle higher education institutions into discrete providers of goods and services who aim to prepare students for existing professions"Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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