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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenWehman, Paul (Hrsg.); Kregel, John (Hrsg.)
TitelFunctional curriculum for elementary and secondary students with special needs. 4th ed.
QuelleAustin, TX: PRO-ED, Inc. (2019), XI, 309 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterUSA; Special education; Curricula; United States; Students with disabilities; Curriculum planning; Erziehung
AbstractFunctional curriculum design: leaving school for the community / Paul Wehman, Pamela Targett, and Mark Richardson -- Designing instructional programs / John Kregel -- Response to intervention: what are the challenges? / Elizabeth Evans Getzel -- Self-determination: making a difference / James E. Martin and Paul Sale -- Accessing the general curriculum within a functional curriculum / Colleen Thoma, Kelly Ligon, and Katherine Wittig -- Functional academics / Pamela S. Wolfe and Cheryl Ostryn -- Financial planning and money management / Kathryn Banks -- Social security and work incentives and benefits planning: navigating the future / Lucy Miller, Susan O'Mara, John Kregel -- Positive behavior support / Carol Schall -- Social skills: critical competencies for life / Sara C. Pankaskie and Shirley K. Chandler -- Travel and mobility training: an essential component of increasing student choice and self-determination / Michael D. West, Katherine Wittig, and Victoria Z. Barrett -- Community participation: making integration a reality / Stacy K. Dymond -- Living at home: skills for independence / Daniel E. Steere, Teri L. Burcroff, and Caroline DiPipi-Hoy -- Teaching personal care and hygiene skills / Wendy M. Wood and Fred Spooner -- Health and safety / Martin Agran -- Adult services: knowing how to get help in the community / Grant Revell & Pamela Targett -- Preparing students for employment / Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell & Lana Collet-Klingenberg -- Going to work: being part of the labor force / Paul Wehman, Pamela Targett, Howard Green. "There is a stronger demand than ever to provide functional curriculum for students; that is, curriculum with everyday usefulness and value in making the student more competent and independent. In addition to the focus on functional curriculum, there is a strong emphasis on showing how to tie curriculum from the elementary school to the middle school and on up into the secondary school as well as to adulthood. To this end, we think Response to Intervention is an important concept and we offer a new chapter in this regard. We believe that not enough attention has been paid to connecting the different curriculum levels so that there is a continuity of educational service for students and their families. We also believe that transitions for middle school to high school and high school to adulthood are more important than ever"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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